- Candidates for full-time officer positions can spend up to £50 of their own money on campaign resources. Upon proof of full receipts, this is then refundable by SMSU, if submitted within 1 week of voting closing.
- Candidates for part-time officer positions can spend up to £35 of their own money on campaign resources. Upon proof of full receipts, this is then refundable by SMSU, if submitted within 1 week of voting closing.
- Candidates for NUS delegate positions can spend up to £20 of their own money on campaign resources. Upon proof of full receipts, this is then refundable by SMSU, if submitted within 1 week of voting closing.
Candidates may be required to provide SMSU with receipts for any materials used in their election campaign.
If you are unable to buy campaigning materials yourself, you can send an itemised list of materials to voice.smsu@stmarys.ac.uk for us to purchase on your behalf. This must not exceed the budget amounts outlined above.
You may choose to spend your campaign fund on things such as: